
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben d

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Abkürzung Langform
DOC Diesel Oxidations Catalysator
doc MS Word Dokument/ Textdatei mit Dokumentation
DOCP DAE Optimal Control Problem
DOCS Designation of Other Coding System
DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DOD Department of Defence (Defense), USA
DOD Digital Optical Disc
DOD Drop On Demand
DOD Drink Or Die
DOD Dollars On Demand
DOD Displacement On Demand
DODCI Department Of Defense Computer Institute
DoE Design of Experiments
DOE Department Of Energy, USA
DOE Distributed Objects Everywhere
DOHC Dual OverHead Camshaft
DOHC Double OverHead Camshaft
DOI Domain Of Interpretation
DOI Digital Object Identifier
DOIP Dioctylisophthalat
dok Textdatei mit Dokumentation
DOK Distrikts- und Ortsverbands-Kenner (des DARC)
DOL Direct Object Linking
DOM Document Output Management
DOM Dominikanische Republik
DOM Document Object Model/Modul
DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility (Sun)
DOORS Distributed Object Oriented Reliable Service
DOP Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol
DOP Dioctylphthalat (Di-2-ethylhexylphthalat)
DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
DOR Digital Optical Recording
DOS (1) Dioctylsebazat, (2) Disk Operating System
dos Windows 95 DOS-Systemdateien
DOS Disk Operating System
DOS Denial Of Service
DOS Distributed Operating System
DOSEM DOS Emulator/Emulation
DOSS Dedicated Office Systems and Services
dot MS Word Dokumentenvorlage
DOT Departement Of Transportation
DOT Document Template
DOT Documents to Think with (GMD)
DOTP Dioctylterephthalat
DOVE Digital Orbiting Voice Encoder
DOW Direct Overwrite
DOW Day Of Week
DOZ Dioctylazelat
DP Distributed Printing/Processor
DP Draft Proposed Standard (ISO)
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