
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben f

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Abkürzung Langform
FSFO Failsave Failover
FSH Feinstrumpfhose
FSHG Gesetz über den Feuerschutz und die Hilfeleistung NW
FSI Fuel Stratified Injection
FSIA Flexible-Service-Intervall-Anzeige
FSK Frequency Shift Keying (Modulation)
fsl Formular / gespeichert (Paradox)
FSL Full Shallow Learning
FSM Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Multimedia (Diensteanbieter)
FSM Finite State Machine
FSMO Flexible Single Master Operation
FSN File System Navigator
FSN Full Service Network
FSP File Service Protocol (Internet)
FSP Feuerschutzpolizei
FSR Force Sensitive Resistance
FSS Flexile Service System
FSS Flexible Service System
FSS Fixed Satellite Services
FST Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Telefonmehrwertdienste
FSTP Fast Spanning Tree Protocol
FSU Free Software Union
FSV Freiwillige SelbstVerpflichtung
FT Fast Track
FT Fuß (englisch)
FT Free Term
FT Funkentelegraphie
ft. full terms
ft. FooT
FTA Final Type Approval
FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management (OSI)
FTB Front To Back Algorithm
FTC Fax Transfer Centre
FTC Federal Trade Commission, USA
FTDMA Flexible Time Division Multiple Access
FTDS Failure Tolerant Disk System
FTE Forschung und Technische Entwicklung
ftl Formulat / temporär (Paradox)
FTLS Formal Top Level Specification
FTP Foiled Twisted Pair
FTP File Transfer Protocol (Internet)
FTP Federal Test Procedure
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTPI Flux Transitions Per Inch
FTS File Transfer Service
FTS Fahrerlose Transportsysteme
FTS Fidonet Transport Standard
FTTB Fiber To The Building
FTTC Fiber To The Curb
FTTG Fiber To The Galaxy
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