
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben l

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Abkürzung Langform
LID Logical Input Device
LIDAR Light Detection And Ranging
LIEP Large Internet Exchange Packet (Novell)
LIF Low Insertion Force
LIFE Laboratory of International Fuzzy Engineering
LIFO Last In, First Out (Speicher)
LII Linux Internationalisation Inititative
LILO Last In, Last Out (Speicher)
lim Limit -Archiv
LIM Load Information Manager
LIM Light Intensity Modulation
LIM Lotus, Intel, Microsoft
LIMB Listing of Molecular Biology Databases
LIMDOW Laser Intensity Modulation Direct Overwrite
LIMO Lizenzmodell NRW
LIMS Laboratory/Library Information Management System
LIN Liquid Nitrogen
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LIP Line Interconnection Point
LIP Loop Initialization Protocol
LIP Large Internet Packet
LIPS Lightweight Internet Person Schema
LIPS Logical Inferences/Instructions Per Second
LIPX Large Internet Packet Exchange
LIR Local Internet Registry
LIR Line Reference
LIR Library of International Relations
LIRA Learning Information Retrieval Agent
LIRC Linux Infrared Remote Control
LIS Logical IP Subnetwork
LISP Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses
LISP List Processing (Language/Program)
LITA Library and Information Technology Association, USA
LIVE Linux Verband e.~V., Frickenhausen
LK Linienkoppler
lk Sri Lanka
LKA Landeskriminalamt
LKA Landeskirchenamt
LKM Loadable Kernel Module
LKP Local Knowledge Pool
LKS Loadable Kernel Server
LKW LastKraftWagen
LL Leased Line
LL LeerLauf
LL Leicht-Lauf-öl
LL Local Loopback
LLA Link Level Access
LLC Low Layer Compatibility
LLC Logical Link Control
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