
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Sonstige

Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben s

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Abkürzung Langform
SBT Six Bit Transcode
SBUP System Backup Partition
SBV Skeletonization Based Vectorization
SBZ StraßenBewertungsZahl
SC Smart Card
SC Send Common
SC Storage Compatibility
sc Seychellen
SC SCSI Stream Commands
SC Subscriber Channel (Sonnector)
sc Script-Makro (Paradox)
SC Secondary Channel
SC Subcommittee
SC Sequential Consistency
sc* Grafik (ColorRIX EGA Paint)
sc3 Umbenannte dBASE III Bildschirmmaskendatei (dBASE IV)
SCA Single Connector Attachment
SCA Security Control and Audit
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCAM SCSI Configured Automagically
SCART Syndicat des Constructeurs de Appareils Radio Recepteurs et Televiseurs
SCB Subsystem Control Block
SCC Standards Coordinating Committee (IEEE/CS)
SCC Spontaneous Computer Combustion
SCC Specialized Common Carrier
SCC Small Card Clearing
SCC Saab Combustion Control
SCC Synchronous Channel Check
SCC Serial Communication Controller
SCC SCSI Controller Commands
SCC Satellite Control Center
SCC Safety Concept Car
SCC Spark Control Computer
SCCP Signal/Signalling Connection Control Port
SCCS Source Code Control System
SCCS Southern California Computer Society
SCD Standard Color Display
scd MS Schuld + (Systemdatei)
SCD Structured Charts Diagram
SCE Service Creation Environment
SCF System Control Facility
SCF Service Control Function
SCG Serbien/Montenegro
sch Schuld + zusätzliche Systemdatei
SchfG Schornsteinfegergesetz
Schr Schraube
SchwbAwV Schwerbehindertenausweisverordnung
schwed schwedisch
SCI Scalable Coherent Interface
SCI Strategic Computing Inititative
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