
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben a

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Abkürzung Langform
AIIM Association for Information and Image Management
AIK Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe e. V.
AIL Active Interlock
AIM Apple, Intel, Motorola
AIM AOL Instant Messenger
AIM Automatic Interface Management in Medicine
AIM Advanced Informatics
AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
AIMS Apple Internet Mail Server
AIMS Advanced Information Management System
AIMS Association of Independent Motor Stores
ain AIN-Archiv
AIN Advanced Intelligent Networks
AIN Auto Insert Notification
AIO Annual Inspection + Overhaul
AIOD Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing
AIP Adaptive Internet Protocol
AIPS Astronomical Image Processing System
AIR Air Injection Reaction (GM)
Airb. Airbag
Airmatic Luftfederung
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AIS Abbreviated Injury Scale
AIS Account Information Security (Program)
AIS Administrative/Affiliate Information System
AIS Application Integration Services
AIS Air Injection System
AIS Automatic Idle Speed motor
AISB Association of Imaging Service Bureaus
AISP Association of Information Systems Professionals
AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape
AIT Advanced Information Technology
AITS I und II Advanced Inflatable Tubular Structure
AIV Air Injection Valve
AIV Aluminium Intensive Vehicle
AIW APPN Implementors Workshop
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM)
AJC Anti Jerc Control
AK AcKnowledge
AK Automatische Kupplung
AK Anschaffungskosten
AKF AktivKohleFilter
AKI Arbeitskreis Informatik
AKL Agent Kernel Language
AKNZ Akademie für Krisenmanagement, Notfallplanung und Zivilschutz
AKO nice
AKP Länder im Afrikanischen, Karibischen und Pazifischen Raum, die mit der EU durch das Lomé-Abkommen verbunden sind
AKR Antiklopfregelung
AKS Alko-Kupplungs-Sicherheitssystem
AKS Arbeitskreis Schule (in der GUUG)
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