
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben i

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Abkürzung Langform
IC Instruction Cache
IC Information Centre
IC Incoming Call
ICA Independent Component Analysis
ICA Independent Computing Architecture
ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter
ICA Intelligent Channels/Console Architecture
ICA Image Component Attribute
ICA Interface Connector Assembly
ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming
ICAM Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing
ICAN Individual Customer Access Network
ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
ICAO Internationale Zivilluftfahrtorganisation
ICAP Integrated Computer Aided Production
ICARE International Council for Amateur Radio in Education
ICAS Intel Communicating Applications Specifications
ICAS Information Communication Assistance System
ICB Interface Control Board
ICC International Color Consortium
ICC InCar Computingsystem
icc Intelligent Color Charting (Farbanpassung f. Drucker)
ICC Intelligent Channel Controller
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
ICC Integrated Circuit Card
ICC International Conference on Communications
ICCB Internet Control and Configuration Board
ICCC International Conference on Computer Communications
ICCCM Interclient Communications Conventions Manual
ICCE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
ICCHP International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons
ICCS Integrated Communications Cabling System (Siemens)
ICD Internal Camshaft Damper
ICD International Code Designator
ICDE International Conference on Data Engineering
ICE In-Circuit Emulator/Emulation
ICE Integrated Communication Environment
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
ICE Information Content Exchange
ICE Inter Client Exchange (Protocol)
ICE Image Correction and Enhancement
ICF Interact Communication Facility
ICF Internet Connection Firewall
ICG Interface Coordination Group
ICG Inversive Congruential (random number) Generator
ICH I/O Contoller Hub
ICI Information Science Institute
ICI Inter/Interexchange Carrier Interface
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