
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben m

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Abkürzung Langform
MCGA Multi Colour Graphics Adaptor/Array
MCGAM MIXER Conformant Global Address Mapping
MCH Memory Controller Hub
MCI Media Control Interface
MCIS Microsoft Commercial Internet System
MCM Media and Communication Management
MCM Multi Carrier Modulation
MCM Multi Chip Module
MCN Multiple Crossbar Network
MCN Media Catalogue Number
MCNS Multimedia Cable Network System
MCOP Management Coprocessor
MCOP Mobile Connect One-time Password
MCOP Multimedia Communication Protocol (KDE)
MCP Multichip Package
MCP Media and Communication Processor
MCP Master Control Programm
MCP Macintosh Coprocessor Platform
MCPP Microsoft Communications Protocol Program
MCR Minimal/Minimum Cell Rate
MCS Mixture Control Solenoid
MCS Master Control Station
MCS Mission Critical Server
MCS Multinational Character Set
MCS Multicast Server
MCS Multipoint Communication Services/System
MCS Menue Control Switch
MCSE Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
MCSG Mathematical and Computational Sciences Group
MCT MOS Controlled Thyristor
MCT Memory Controller
MCT Manifold Charge Temperature
MCT Microsoft Certified Trainer
MCU Memory/Micro/Multipoint/Module Control Unit
MCU Multipoint Conferencing/Control Unit
MCU Microprocessor Controlled Unit
MCU Master Control Unit
MCU Multi Chip Unit
MCU Minimum Coded Unit
MCX Media Center Extender
md Moldawien
MD Mini Disk
MD Message Digest
MD Mail Drop
MD Moldau
MD Mediation Device
MD5 Message Digest 5
mda MS Access systemspezifische Tabelle
MDA Media Dependent/Device Adapter
MDA 4,4-Diaminodiphenylmethan
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