
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben m

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Abkürzung Langform
MIDS Matrix Internet Data Survey
MIEF Management Information Error Facility
MIF Management Information File/Format
MIGA Internationale Investitions-Garantie-Agentur
MIHMA Model-based Integration Heterogeneous Multimedia Archives
MII Microsoft, IBM, Intel
MII Media Independent Interface
MIK Maximale Immissions-Konzentration
MiKo Mittelkonsole
mil Military (US-Militär)
MIL Machine Interface Layer
MIL military; Internet-Domain: Militär in den USA
MIL (amerikanische Militärnorm)
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MIL-LUS MILitary LUbricants Specification
MILNET Military Network, USA
MIM Metal Injection Molding
MIM Metall-Isolator-Metall (Bildschirm)
MIMD Multiple Instructions Multiple Data
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIMO Multiple Input, Multiple Output
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
min Minuten
Min Minimum
MinBlFin Ministerialblatt des Bundesministers der Finanzen
MINC Multilingual Internet Names Consortium
MINURSO Mission der Vereinten Nationen für die Organisation eines Referendums in der Westsahara
MIO Modular Input Output
MIP Maximum Integration Phone
MIPS Million Instructions Per Second
MIPS Most Irrelevant Product Specification
MIS Metal Insulator Semiconductor
MIS Management Information System
MISAR Microprocessed Sensing and Automatic Regulation
MISD Multiple Instructions Single Data
MIT Management Information Tree
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MITI Ministry of Trade and Industry, Japan
MITMA Man In The Middle Attack
MITS Model Instrumentation Telemetry System
mittelalterl mittelalterlich
MIX Member Information Exchange
MIXER MIME Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay
MJ Modular Jack (Steckersystem)
MJ Major Descriptor
MK Mazedonien
MKB Marineküstenbatterie
mkf System-Makefile (Visual C++)
MKL Mathematical Kernel Library (Intel)
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