
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben m

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Abkürzung Langform
MAL Malaysia
malai malaiisch
MALBO Materialien zur Altlastensanierung und zum Bodenschutz
mam Access Formular-Verknüpfung
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MAN Manchester (Coding)
MANET Mobile Adhoc Network
MANIAC Mathematical Analyzer, Numerical Integrator, and Computer
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor
MAP Message Access Protocol
MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol
MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure
map Access Abfrage-Verknüpfung
map Debugger und andere MAP Dateien
MAP Manufacturing Package
MAP Mobile Application Part
MAPI Mail/Message/Messaging Application Programmer/Programming Interface
MAPICS Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control System (IBM)
MAPPS Magnetischer Passiver Positions Sensor
MAPS Mail Abuse Prevention System
MAPTOP MAP Technical Office Protocol
MAR Mengen Ausgleichs Regelung
MAR Memory Address Register
MARBI Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information (Committee)
MARC Machine-Readable Cataloging/Code
MARID MTA Authorization Records In DNS
MARKT Generaldirektion -Binnenmarkt- der Europäischen Kommission
MARP Multi LAN Address Resolution Protocol
MARPA Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
MARPOL Übereinkommen zur Verhütung der Meeresverschmutzung durch Seeschiffe
MARS Military Affiliate Radio System
MARS Message Archiving and Retrieval Service
MARS Multicast Address Resolution Server
mas Lotus Freelance 97 SmartMaster
MAS Microsoft Anti-Spyware
MAS Multi Agent System
MASC Multicast Address-Set Claim (Protocol)
MASER Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
MASM Macro Assembler (Microsoft)
MASS Mass Storage System
MASS Message Authentication Signature Standard
MAT Manifold Air Temperature
mat Access Tabelle-Verknüpfung
MAU Multi Station Access Unit
MAU Medium Attachment Unit (Ethernet)
MAVT Mobile Audio Visual Terminal
Max Maximum
MAZ Magnetbildaufzeichnung
MB Macro Block
MB Megabyte/Multi Byte
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