
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben r

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Abkürzung Langform
RIF Representative Interactive Flamelet modell
RIFF Resource Interchange File Format
RII Ring/Routing Information Indicator
Rili Richtlinie
RIM Mauretanien
RIM Remote Installation and Maintenace
RIM Request Initialization Mode
RIMS Ranging Integrity Monitoring Station
RIP Remote Image/Imaging Protocol/Processing
RIP Router/Routing Information Protocol
RIP Request In Progress
RIP Raster Image Processor
rip Metagrafik (RIPTerm)
RIPE Reseaux IP Europeenne
RIPL Remote Initial Program Loading
RIPSO Revised Internet Protocol Security Option
RIR Regional Internet Registry
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Code/Computer
RITA Reduced Interim Type Approval
RITA Reliable Internetwork Troubleshooting Agent
RJ Registered Jack
RJE Remote Job Entry (IBM)
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
rkr. rechtskräftig
RL Reconfigurable Logic
RL Remote Loopback
RL Libanon
RLC Radio Link Control
RLC Run Length Coding
rle Run-length komprimierte Bitmap
RLE Research Laboratory of Electronics
RLE Run Length Encoded/Encoding
RLF Reverse Line Feed
RLFS RückLaufFreies KraftstoffversorgungsSystem
RLG Research Libraries Group
RLIN Research Libraries Information Network (RLG)
RLL Radio in the Local Loop
RLL Run Length Limited
RLL Row Level Locking
RLM Robust Linear Model
RLM Robotic Library Manager
RLM Receiver-driven Layered Multicast
RLMT Redundant Link Management Technology
RLN Remote LAN Node
RLP Resource Location Protocol
RLP Radio Link Protocol
RLS Remote Learning System
RLSD Received Line Signal Detected
RLV Ringleitungsverteiler
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