
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben e

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Abkürzung Langform
EEMA European Electronic Messaging Association
EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification/Support
EEP Equal Error Protection
EEPAL Electrically Erasable Programmable Array Logic
EEPLD Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EES Escrowed Encryption Standard
EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed
EEV Enhanced Enmironmental friendly Vehicle
EEVC European Enhanced Vehicle Committee
EF Externer Fehler
EFAC Extended File Access Control
EfbV Verordnung über Entsorgungsfachbetriebe
EFC Electronic Feedback Carburator
EFCA Electronic Fuel Control Assembly
EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Identification
EFE Early Fuel Evaporation system
EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation
eFH elektrischer Fensterheber
EFI Electronic Fuel Injection
EFI Electromechanical Frequency Interference
EFIP European Federation of Interconnection and Packaging
EFISC Enhanced Fast Instruction Set Computer
EFL Emitter Follower Logic
EFLA Extended Four Letter Acronym
EFM Eight-by/to-Fourteen Modulation
EFP Elektron. FahrPedal
EFR Enhanced Full Rate
EFRC Enhanced Full Rate CODEC
EFS EinzelFunkenSpule
EFS Enhanced/Episode/Encrypted/Enterprise File System
EFS Electronic Filing System
EFS Enhanced/Extent File System
EFS Encrypted File System
eft Einkaufsgesellschaft Freier Tankstellen mbH
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EFT Euro File Transfer
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EFTA European Free Trade Association (Europäische Freihandelsgesellschaft)
EFTA Europäische Freihandelsassoziaton
EFTP Easy File Transfer Protocol
EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System
EFUe Emissionsdaten-Fernübertragung
EG Europäische Gemeinschaften
EG Exterior Gateway
EG Europäische Gemeinschaft(en)
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adaptor/Array
ega EGA Bildschirmtreiber /Graphikdatei
EGAB Erstes Gesetz zur Abfallwirtschaft und zum Bodenschutz im Freistaat Sachsen
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