
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Abkürzung Langform
EPEFE Europeen Programe for Emissions, Fuels and Motortechnologies
EPG Electronic Program Guide
EPI External Presentation Interface
EPI Exhaust Port Injection
EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction (Set) Computing
epic Latex Picture und Epic Macro
EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
EPL Effective Prvilege Level
EPLD Electronic/Erasable Programmable Logic Device
EPLO Epoxidiertes Leinöl
EPMAP Electronic Publishing Mapping Project
EPO Emergency Power Off
EPP Ethernet Packet Processor
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
EPPT European Printer Performance Test
EPRCA Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm
EPRML Enhanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPROM Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory
EPS Encapsulated Postscript
EPS Electic Power Steering
EPS Electronic Publishing System
EPS Elektropneumatische Schaltung
eps Micrografx Graphic Engine zum Konvertieren
EPS Enterprise Parallel Server (HP)
EPSCS Enhanced Private Switched Communications Service
EPSF Encapsulated Postscript File Format
EPSI Encapsulated Postscript Interchange Format
EPSMA European Power Supply Manufacturers Association
EPSO Epoxidiertes Sojaöl
EPSS Experimental Packet Switching Service
EPW ElektroPneumatischer Wandler
EPZ Europäische Politische Zusammenarbeit
EQ Equalizer
equ Word Equipped Symbol Konverter
ER Entity Relationship
ER Europäischer Rat
ER Explicit Rate
ER Externer Rechner
ER Eritrea
ERA Elementarer/Eingeschränkter Regulärer Ausdruck
ERBIS Einheitliches Rechnerunterstütztes Betriebsführungssystem
ErbStG Erbschaftsteuergesetz
ERC European Registration Centre
ERC European Radiocommunication Committee
ERC Explicit Route Control
ERC External Relations Committee
ERCIM European Research Consortium for Informatics and Applied Mathematics
ERD Emergency Repair Disc
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