
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
AIW APPN Implementors Workshop
AIX Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM)
AKI Arbeitskreis Informatik
AKL Agent Kernel Language
AKS Arbeitskreis Schule (in der GUUG)
AKSIS Arbeitskreis Schutz von Infrastrukturen
AL Assembly Language
AL Aussagenlogik
AL Arbitrated Loop
AL Application Layer
ALA American Library Association
ALC Automatic Level Control
ALC Arithmetic and Logic Circuit
ALDC Advanced Lossless Data Compression
ALE Application Link Enabling
ALE Address Lifetime Expectancy
ALE Address Latch Enable
ALEX Advertising Link Exchange
ALEX Automatic Labour Exchange
ALEX Automatic Login Executor
ALEX Altlasten-Expertensystem
ALF Accurate positioning by Low Frequency
ALG Application Level Gateway
ALGOL Algorithmic Language
ALI Automatic Link Intelligence
ALI American Law Institute
ALIS Automatic Link Setup
ALM Application Loadable Modul
ALOE Apple Library for Object Embedding
ALP Assembly Language Preprocessor
ALS Advanced Low Power Schottky
ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALT Alternate
ALU Arithmetic Logic/Logical Unit
ALWR Arbeitskreis der Leiter Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren
AM Application Maintainer (Debian)
AM Anschlussmodul
AM Anwendungsmodul
AMANDDA Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance
AMB Advanced Memory Buffer
AMBA Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture
AMC Arbitration and Mediation Center
AMD Active Matrix Display
AMD Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., USA
AMDS Amplitude Modulation Data System
AME Advanced Metal Evaporated
AMF All Media Floppy
AMH Automated Materials Handling
AMI Alternate/Alternative Mark Inversion
AMI American Microsystems Inc.
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