
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben n

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Abkürzung Langform
NDI Network Distribution Infrastructure
NDIS Network Device/Driver Interface Specification (Microsoft)
NDIS Nissan Direct Ignition System
NDL Network Database Language
NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
NDM Normal Disconnected Mode
NDM Netzwerk-Datenmodell
NDMP Network Data Management Protocol
NDMS NetWare Distributed Management Services
NDP Numeric Data Processor
NDPS Netware Distributed Printing Services
NDPS Non-Disruptive Path Switching
NDR Norddeutscher Rundfunk
NDS Neutral Drive Switch
NDS Netware/Novell Directory Services
NDST Network Dedicated Systems Time
NDT Net Data Throughput
NDT Network Design Tool
NDTP Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol
ndx Indexdatei (dBASE)
NE Name Error
NE Network/Node Element
NE4 Netzebene 4
NEA Nichtdeterministischer Endlicher Automat (NFA)
NEARNET New England Academic and Research Network
NEBUS New Energy Bus oder New Electric Bus
NEC Nippon Electric Company, Japan
NEC National Electric Code (Kabel)
NEC Numerical Electromagnetics Code
NECAR New Energy Car
NECC National Education Computing Conference, USA
NECTAR Network Computer Architecture
ned MS Network Anwendungen
NEDC New European Ddriving Cycle
NEF Notarzteinsatzfahrzeug
NEFC neuer Europäischer Fahrzyklus
NEFZ Neuer Europäischer FahrZyklus
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEMS Nano Electromechanical Storage
neo Rasterfile (Neochrome)
NEOS Networked Educational On-line System
NERD Network Event Recording Device
NEST Novell Embedded Systems Technology
NET network; Internet-Domain: Netzverwaltung
NET Network Entity Title
NET Norme Europeenne de Telecommunication
net Net (Netzwerkbetreiber)
NETBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface (IBM)
NETBIOS Network Basic Input and Output System (IBM)
NETBLT Network Block Transfer (Protocol)
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