
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben n

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Abkürzung Langform
NN Network Node
NNI Network Node/Network Interface
NNI Next Node Indicator
NNN Norddeutsche Neueste Nachrichten
NNR Novell Network Registry
NNSC NSFnet Network Service Center
NNT network news transfer protocol
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet)
NNX Nerwork Numbering Exchange
NO Nitrogenium Oxide
NO2 Nitrogenium DIOxide
NOA Nerds on Air
NOA Nichtobligatorische Ausgaben
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration
NOAH Network Oriented Application Harmonization
NOC Network Operation Center
NOC Number of Children
NOEBL Nichtöffentlicher beweglicher Landfunk
NOEML Nichtöffentlicher mobiler Landfunk
NOK Normal Otto Kraftstoff
nom Nominativ
NOMA National Online Media Association
NOP No Operation
NOR not or
NORC Naval Ordnance Research Calculator
nordfries nordfriesisch
nordgerm nordgermanisch
NORSAR Norwegian Seismic Array
norw norwegisch
NOS Network Operating System
NOS New Old/Original Stock
nos not otherwise specified (nicht anders angegeben)
NOW Network Of Workstations
NOX Nitrogen OXides
NOx Nitrogenium Oxides
NOX NitrogeniumOxides (Stickoxide)
NP Nondeterministic Polynomial
np Nepal
NPA Numbering Plan Area
NPA Network Printer/Printing Alliance
NPA Network Performance Analyzer
NPACI National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure
NPAP Network Printing Alliance Protocol
NPC Network Personal Computer
NPH Non Processed Header
npi Objekt-Dateien des Modulinterpreters (dBASE)
NPI Neighbourhood Partial Interchangeability
NPI Network Printer Interface
NPL Nonprocedural Language
NPL National Physical Laboratory, England
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