
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank

Abkürzungen der Kategorie IT/Elektro

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Abkürzung Langform
CCB Change Control Board
CCB Channel Command/Control Block
CCB Cyclic Check Byte
CCBS Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber
CCC Credit Card Calling
CCC Conference Control Channel
CCC Computer Chess Competition
CCC Chaos Computer Club, Hamburg
CCC Change and Configuration Control
CCC Ceramic Chip Carrier
CCCB Command, Control, Communications in Buildings
CCCH Common Control Channel
CCD Charge Coupled Device
CCD Class Communication Diagram
CCE Configuration Control Element
CCF Chain Command Flag
CCF Central Computing Facility
CCFCC Computer Coordinated Family Communcation and Cooperation
CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube
CCI Common Client Interface
CCIA Computer + Communications Industry Association
CCIR Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications
CCIRN Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks
CCIS Command and Control Information System
CCIS Common Channel Interoffice Signaling
CCITT Comite Consultatif International de Telegraphie et de Telephonie
CCK Centre de Calcul El Khawarizmi, Tunis
CCK Communication Commission of Kenya
CCK Complementary Code Keying
CCK Computerclub Kamen
CCL Creative Commons License
CCL Corel Contractual Licensing
CCL Connection Control Language
CCL Common Command Language
CCL Commerce Control List
CCL Closed Conference Loop
CCLC Carrier Common Line Charge
CCM Color Management System
CCM Counter with CBC-Mac
CCM CORBA Component Model
CCM Computer Controlled Manufacturing
CCN Cluster Controller
CCN Cordless Communication Network
CCNG Computer Communications Networks Group
CCNR Completion of Call on No Reply
CCNUMA Cache Coherent NUMA
CCP Compression Control Protocol
CCP Concurrent Constraint Programming
CCP Console/Communications Command/Control Processor/Program
CCP CAN Calibration Protocol
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