
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben s

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Abkürzung Langform
SAGE (UNIX) System Administrators Guild
SAGE Strategic Advisory Group on the Environment
SAHR Saab Active Head Restraint
SAIC Shanghai Automotive Industrie Corporation
SAIL Stanford AI Laboratory
SAINT Symbolic Automatic Integrator
SAK Secure Attention Key
sal salopp
SAL Self Addressed Envelope
SAL Structured Assembly Language
SALT Speech Application Language Tag
SALT SuSE Advanced Linux Technology
SAM System Administration Manager (tool)
SAM Serial Access Memory
SAM Security Access/Account Manager
SAM Smart ATM Modul
SAM Sequential Access Method
SAM SignalAuswerteModul
SAM SCSI Architecture Model
SAM Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet
sam Dokumenten-Datei von Ami Pro
SAM surface active monitor
SAMI Synchronized Accessible Media Interchange
SAN Satellite Access Network
SAN Schulen ans Netz e. V.
SAN Standard Address Number
SAN Storage Area Network
SAN System Area Network
SANCO Generaldirektion -Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz- der Europäischen Kommission
SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment
SANE Scanner Access Now Easy
SAO Session At Once
SAP Send And Pray
SAP Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte (AG), Walldorf
SAP Symbolic Assembler Program
SAP Session Announcement Protocol
SAP Secure Audio Path
SAP Service Access Point (OSI)
SAP Service Advertising Protocol (Novell)
SAP SIM Access Profile
SAPI Service Access Point Identifier
SAPI Streams Application Programming Interface
SAR Segmentation And Reassembling/Reassembly
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SAR Specific Absorption Rate
SAR Search And Rescue
SAR Smurf Amplifier Registry
SARA Short range Automotive Radar frequency Allocation
SARC Symantec Antivirus Research Center
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