
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CPS Critical Path Scheduling
CPS Constraint Parameter Set
CPSA Consumer Product Safety Act
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSI Cells Per Square inch
CPSI Configurable Post Script Interpreter
CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
CPST Control Point Spanning Tree
CPT COSINE Project Management Team
CPT Critical Path Technique
CPT Common Point of Trust
CPT Command Pass Thru
CPT Europäisches Komitee zur Verhütung der Folter (European C. on Prevention of Torture)
cpt Archiv (CompactPro)
cpt COREL Photo-Paint Image/ Memodatei verschl. (DBase)
CPTWG Copyright Protection Technical Working Group
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPV Constant Pressure Valve
CPV Cold Process Verification
CQL Channel Queue Limit
CQM Class Queue Management
CQP Corpus Query Processor
CR Compression Ratio
CR Abblendlicht und Fernlicht
CR Cambridge Ring
CR Cray Research, Inc.
CR Core (Network) Router
CR Carriage Return
CR Costa Rica
CR Common Rail
CR-DPF Continously Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filter
CR-V Comfortable Runabout Vehicles
CR/LF Carriage Return/Line Feed
CRAM Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement
CRAM Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism
CRAM Card Random Access Memory
CRC Kinderrechtsausschuß (C. on the Rights of the Child)
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRC Class, Responsibility, Collaboration/Collaborators
CRCG Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics
CRCW Concurrent Read, Concurrent Write (PRAM)
crd Karteikastendatei (Microsoft Windows Card-Datei), Cardfile
CRD Color Rendering Dictionary
CRD Creation Revision Deletion (request)
CREN Corporation/Computer Research Education/Educational Network, USA
CRES Common Rail Einspritzsystem
CREW Compact for Responsive Electronic Writing
CREW Concurretn Read, Exclusive Write (PRAM)
CRF Cross Reference File
crg Raster-Grafik (Calamus)
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