
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CSA Call Path Service Architecture
CSAR Channel System Address Register
CSB Chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf
CSB Channel Status Byte
CSC Center for Scientific Computing
CSC Coolant Spark Control
CSC Concentric slave cylinder
CSC Central Slave Cylinder
CSCR Consortium for Slow Commotion Research
CSCW Computer Supported Cooperative/Collaborative Work
CSD Kommission für nachhaltige Entwicklung
CSD Circuit Switched Data
CSD Cold Shutdown
CSD Corrective Service Disk (IBM)
CSDC Code Segment Descriptor Cache
CSDGM Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
CSDN Circuit Switched Data/Digital Network
CSE Customer Suppoirt Engineer
CSEA Cyber Security Enhancement Act
CSF Catalytic Soot Filter
CSF Compagnie Sans Fil
CSF Catalyst Soot Filter
CSG Crankshaft Starter Generator
CSG Crankshaft Starter-Generator
CSG Constructive Solid Geometry
CSI Common Synchronous Interface
CSI Compression and Spark Ignition
CSI Customer Satisfaction Index
CSI Computer Security Institute, San Francisco, USA
CSIC Computer System Interface Circuit
CSIC Customer Specific Integrated Circuit
CSID Calling Station Identifier
CSIP Compressed Sources IBM PC
CSL Context Sensitive Language
CSL Computation Structures Language
CSLIP Compressed Serial Line Protocol
CSM Concatenated Short Messages
CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
CSMA/CE Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Elimination
CSMP Continuous System Modelling Program
CSN Circuit Switched Network
CSN Customer Service Number
CSN Card Select Number
CSNET Computer and Science Network, USA
CSO Central Services Organization
CSocD Kommission für soziale Entwicklung
CSP Cryptographic Service Provider
CSP Chip Scale/Size Packaging
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