
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CIC Certified IT Consultant
CIC Committee on Institutional Cooperation
CIC Coordination and Information Center (CSNet)
CIC Computing Information Center
CIC Compunting, Information + Communications
CICA Center of Innovative Computer Applications
CICS Customer Information Control System (IBM)
CID Configuration, Installation, Distribution
CID Color Info Display
CID Customer Identifier
CID Conference Identifier
CID Camshaft Identification (-Sensor)
CID Cubic Inch Displacement
CID Cylinder Identification Sensor
CIDAS Conversational Interactive Digital Analog Simulator
CIDI Compression Ignition Direct Injection
CIDIF Centre International pour le Developpement de le Inforoute en Francais
CIDP Computer Industry Development Potential
CIDR Classless Inter/Internet Domain Routing
CIE Commission Internationale de le Eclairage (Farbmodell)
CIEDS Computer Integrated Electron Design Series
CIF Cell in Frames
CIF Computer Integrated Facilities
CIF Common Intermediate Format
CIFI Cylinderindividual Fuel Injection
CIFS Common Internet File System (Protocol)
CIFS Common Insecurity Fail Scrutiny
CIH Camshaft In Head
CIIN Corporate Integrated Information Network
CIIR Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval, Mass.
CIK Crypto-Ignition Key
CIL Computer Inoperative Limits
CIL Computerintegrierte Logistik
CIM Computer Input Microfilm
CIM CompuServe Information Manager
CIM Common Information Model
CIM Custom Install Manager
cim Sicherungskopie für WinCIM
CIM Règles uniformes concernant le Contrat de transport International ferroviaire des Marchandises
CIM Column Integration Module
CIM Chassis Integration Modul
CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing
CIN Calibration Identification Number
CINT Call Interception
CIO Central Imagery Office
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIOCS Communication Input/Output Control System (IBM)
CIOS Communication Institute for Online Scholarship
CIP Common ISDN Access Profile
CIP Classical IP
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