
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - Sonstige

Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CHARM Character Mode
CHCK Channel Check
ChemG Chemikaliengesetz
ChemGiftInfoV Giftinformationsverordnung
ChemKostV Chemikalien-Kostenverordnung
ChemPrüfV Prüfnachweis-Verordnung zum ChemG
ChemVerbotsV Chemikalien-Verbotsverordnung
CHF Schweizer Franken
CHI Computer Human Interaction/Interface
CHIC Constraint Handling in Industry and Commerce
CHIL Current Hogging Injection Logic
CHILD Computer Having Intelligent Learning and Development
CHILL CCITT High Level Language
chk Von CHKDSK erstellte Sicherungsdateien verlorener Cluster
chk Backupdatei (DOS ChsDsk /F)
CHKPT Checkpoint
CHL Current Hogging Logic
CHM Cooperative Hypermedia
CHMSL Center High Mounted Stop Lamp
CHOP Channel Operator
CHOREN Carbons, Hydrogenium Oxigenium RENewables
CHPC Center for High Performance Computing
chr Character File (für Borland DOS Grafikmodi), Borland BGI Stroked Font
CHR Menschenrechtskommission
CHR Constraint Handling Rules
CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform
CHS Cylinders, Heads, Sectors
cht Chart, (Havard Graphics) / Schnittstellendatei (DBase)
CHT Cylinder Head temperature Sensor
CHV Card Holder Value
chz CHARC -Archive
ci Côte de Ivoire
CI Compression Ignition
CI Call Intrusion
CI (conventional) Coil Ignition
CI Command Interpreter
CI Component/Computer Interface
CI Computer Interconnect/Interface
CI Control and Indication
CI Coded Information
CI Computational Intelligence
CI Cetane Index
CI Congestion Indicator
CI Cöte dlvoire (Elfenbeinküste)
CIA CAN In Automation
CIA Computer Interface Adapter
CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability
CIAM Computerized Integrated and Automatic Manufacturing
CIB Computer Integrated Building/Bureaucracy
CIC Certified IT Consultant
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