
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
cco btx-Graphik (XBTX)
CCOT Clutch Cycling Orifice Tube
CCP Controlled Canister Purge
CCP CAN Calibration Protocol
CCP Console/Communications Command/Control Processor/Program
CCP Concurrent Constraint Programming
CCP Compression Control Protocol
CCPP Composite Capability Preference Profile
CCPR Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
CCR Command and Control Research
CCR Current Cell Rate
CCR Center for Communications Research
CCR Commitment, Concurrency, Recovery (OSI)
CCRN Coordinating Council on Research Networks
CCS CAPI Connection Service
ccs Color-Einstellung CorelDraw
CCS Common Command Set (SCSI)
CCS Combined Combustion System
CCS Common Communication Support
CCS Closely Coupled System
CCS Common Channel Signalling
CCS Continuos Composite Servo
CCSA Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator
CCSA Common Control Switching Arrangement
CCSB The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies, Karlsruhe
CCSE Checkpoint Certified Security Engineer
CCSS7 Common Channel Signalling System No. 7
CCSY Cooperative Computing System Program
CCT Computerized Communication Terminal
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CCU Communications Control Unit
CCU Central Communication/Control Unit
CCU Customer Control Unit
CCUT Computer Center at the University of Tokyo
CCV Canister Control Valve
CCVR Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche
ccw counter clockwise
ccw CounterClockWise
CCW Coherent Continuous Wave
CCW Channel Command Word
CCW Continuous Composite Write (Once Disc)
CCX Cisco Compatible Extension
CD Change Direction
CD Control Display
CD Compact Disc
cd Demokratische Republik Kongo
CD Collision Detection
CD Committee Document (ISO)
CD Colour Display
CD Call Deflection
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