
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CAG Column Adress Generator
cag Coerl Art Gallery
CAG Computergesteuertes Automatik Getriebe
CAH Computer Aided Holidays/Homework/Hausaufgaben
CAHRD Crash Active Head Rest Driver
CAI Controlled Auto Ignition
CAI Computer Aided Inspiration
CAI Common Air Interface
CAI Computer Aided Industry
CAI Computer Aided/Assisted Instruction
CAIN Controlled Access by Individual Number
CAIR Comprehensive Assessment Information Rule
CAIRS Computerized Accident/Incident Reporting System
CAIS Common APSE Interface Set
CAIT Computer Aided Inspection and Testing
CAK Computer-Anwendungen Karlsruhe
CAL Conversational Algebraic Language
cal Calenderdatei (Microsoft)
CAL Computer Aided Lightning
CAL Computer Aided Lighting
CAL Client Access License
CAL Computer Animation Language
CAL Computer Aided Life/Learning/Lunch
CAL Common Assembly Language
CALAS Computer Aided Laboratory Automation System
CALC Customer Access Line Charge
CALEA Communications Assistance for/to Law Enforcement Act
CALIES Computer Aided Locomotion by Implanted Electrical Stimulation
CALL Computer Aided/Assisted Language Learning
CALLEControl Application Link Layer Engieering
CALM Collected Algorithms for Learning Machines
CALS Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support
CALS Continuous Acquisition + Life-cycle Support Program
CAM Concentrator/Conditional Access Module
CAM Conditional Access Module
CAM Central Address Memory
CAM Computer Aided Machining/Manufacturing
CAM Computer Aided(Assisted) Manufacturing
Cam CAMshaft
CAM Common/Communication Access Method
CAM Content Addressable/Addressed Memory
CAMAC Computer Automated Measurement And Control
CAMD Computer Aided Molecular Design
CAMEL Computer Assisted Education Language
CAML Categorial Abstract Machine Language
CAMP Computer Assisted Movie Production
CAMP Compiler for Automatic Machine Programming
CAN Car Area Network
CAN Controller Area Network
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