
über 10.000 Abkürzungen in der Datenbank
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Alle Abkürzungen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben c

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Abkürzung Langform
CAT Character Assignment Table
CAT Folterausschuß (Committee against Torture)
cat Catalog (DBase IV, OzWin II u.a.)
Cat, CAT Catalysator oder Catalytic Converter
CATIA Computer Graphic Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
CATNIP Common Architecture for Next Generation Internet Protocol
CATP Computer Aided Technical Publishing
CATS Computer Aided/Assisted Teaching/Tracking/Training System
CATS Computer Automated Test System
CATS Active Suspension System
CATS Computer Active Technology Suspension
CATS Computer Aided Telephony Services
CATT China Academy of Telecommunication Technology
CATV Common/Community Antenna Television
CATV Cable Television
CAU Command and Arithmetic Unit
CAU Control/Controlled/Concentrator Access Unit
CAUCE Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email
CAV Computer Aided Verification
CAV Constant Angular Velocity
CAVE Computer Aided Vision Engineering
CAVE Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAW Channel Address Word
CB Call Back
CB Orange-Weiß
cb Programmspezifische Sicherungskopie
CB Cell Broadcast
CB Citizens Band
CBAC Context Based Access Control
CBC Cornering Brake Control (BMW)
CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CBC Cornering Brake Control
CBCP Certified Business Continuity Planer
CBCR Channel Byte Count Register
CBDS Connectionless Broadband Data Service
CBDTPA Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act
CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange Format Framework
CBEMA Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
cbf Atari Dos Cheebase Datei
cbi Atari Dos Cheebase Index
CBI Charles Babbage Insitute
CBI Computer Based Instruction
CBI Crossbar Interface
CBIP Compressed Binaries IBM PC
CBIP Current Book In Progress
CBIR Content Based Image Retrieval
CBIRS Content Based Image Retrieval System
CBJ Conflict-directed Backjumping
CBL Communication By Light
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